Saturday, December 13, 2014

A little bit about me and my never ending faith in Jehovah, Part 1

Lengthy but here is a little bit to introduce myself to the group, hope it can be of encouragement:
I haven't said too much about myself on here to the group yet, I am gathering courage to share my story here, it seems to me as I am learning to live again, in Satan's system of things, with Jehovah's help, after my fourth major stroke and a mild heart attack, all of this is Lupus induced they say. No other culprit to be the cause, I normally have very low blood pressure, very low blood sugars, no cholesterol to speak of, since I eat very little, and when I do, it is usually a very healthy combination of foods, anything I do cook and eat is done so by using Olive oils, extra virgin, and I accompany that fat by the good healthy fats from real butter and or avocados, only sugar products I use to sweeten anything at all is evaporated cane juice, none of that bleached white sugar for me, I am highly allergic to chlorine....all types..... especially when in my foods or waters..... talk about an allergic reaction from the inside out.... I can't drink our tap water and can barely stand to bathe in it at times, due to the high chlorine smell in our city's water supply.
I began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses as an adult right before I found out I had Lupus, which was before my father and best friend in the whole wide world died on me. That is when Satan was sitting back laughing at me, because he thought he had finally won at breaking my faith in God, our Heavenly Father and creator of all....
I will not argue it was a long hard depressed state I was in, for you see I had just been through the hardest things in my life in the nine years prior to my dad's death... my mom's death, and then a nasty divorce a year later, then returning to Texas with my two children to try to restart my life, to only lose everything we owned in a house fire three months later....and an injury to my right wrist, which put me in a cast for over six months....
That was the beginning of my son losing his eyesight, he was only fourteen... by the time he was fifteen, we had moved to a small town near where we live at now, and I was at work one night and my daughter calls just minutes after my clocking back in after my lunch break, telling me, something terrible has happened, because my son's eye was shut and wouldn't stop crying even though he wasn't crying, she was hysterical, so I asked permission to go home, and that was the beginning of what was a long haul battle between Satan and I, over my faith. That was in March of 1999, the year my life really started changing, after two weeks of treatments and major eye surgery to try to save his only eye that had any vision in it, for he was visually impaired from birth caused by the Congenital Toxoplasmosis he was born with... I am hopeful, and thankful for any slight improvement, but after a month, he refused to open his eyes very much, and when he would go around the house at night, he never turned on any lights as he had before this accident... so I started paying attention to him, and realized that he was running into things, more than he had ever done in his life, he was accustomed to walking with a cane, when out and about, but he knew where everything in our house was...OH no, how was I ever going to deal with my son losing all of his vision, VISION is so important, the only thing that my baby had that was special to him, he loved to see colors and lights and all.... but pure and total darkness, ... I screamed and screamed at Satan for doing this to my special baby..... and I pleaded with Jehovah God, our Heavenly Father to send me a good man to become my husband, because this was just way too much for me to endure....all alone
I poured my heart out to him, and told him I needed a man who would know who he was, and not beat me or ridicule me because I went around reading the Bible and openly praying to him, outloud at times.... no matter who was looking, and a man who wouldn't cheat on me and respect our marriage, one that would love me for me, and accept me like I was, and not try to change me....for I have had a very hard life and I was a tired woman set in my ways, but a good woman, who needed a good man to help me endure this newest tribulation that Satan had thrown my way....
Since this is long for tonight, I will try to wait and tell some more tomorrow....
Agape love to you all and I will love to hear your comments and try to be a source of encouraging love and fine example of pure faith in Jehovah's Love for you all,
With true love,