Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall arrives and so does sad memories.

Arrival of Fall brings sad memories for me... 

Our mother will have laid down to rest 20 years this month, I miss her so much, as I am sure my siblings do.  My mom, was always my source of strength, I think it was because I loved her so much and always wanted to make her so proud of me.  

She got sick in August and died in October, a very short battle with the hereditary lung cancer she died of.  

I am so glad I managed to have 30 years with her, and I miss going to her house when I couldn't sleep and helping her quilt all night, when she couldn't sleep, guess I just inherited her migraines and insomnia.  Possibly the Lupus as well, she was being tested for Lupus about a year before they found her cancer... she wasn't positively diagnosed, because her ANA was always lower, so they didn't confirm it.  As I know now, that doesn't rule out Lupus, because for the first three or four years I was diagnosed, my ANAs were very low, except for when I had my strokes, then it was sky high..... 

I so wish my mother was here... to share a cup of coffee with, go to a quilt show with, quilt the night away with, to take flowers to, to go eat chinese food with, ... 

Leona Mae (Ray) Storm, I love and miss you so much, with every breath I take, I thank you for bringing me into this world, I just wish you were still here to share it with me....