Sunday, July 13, 2014

An Introduction to Me.... Dorraine Rae Storm-Lugo

Hello everyone, 

I am so truly blessed to still be here, but it has truly taken me over a decade to restart my life.  I am going to start here and today, and try to fill in the blanks as we go.  So here we are, I am going to be writing my story to all of you in the first person but my introduction I had written when thinking of telling a good story to all based on my life, but as a third person effect.....

I am going to start by giving you a few details, I am married, raising two children, nine years of age, and trying to rebuild my life as it was so rudely destroyed between the years of 1998 and 2005... you are wondering what took so long to destroy me.... I will gladly fill you all in.  But for now, lets see what has led me to this BLOG.... I was sitting here at the end of my day on Friday, after closing my office, children were playing, Daddy was  busy, so I was  all alone after closing for the week, and sat here in a thoughtful fog.... here is what came out....

Learning to Live Again
by Dorraine Rae Storm-Lugo
July 11, 2014

Sitting at her desk, she was deeply lost in her thoughts,  she realized she was finally healing, finally starting to live again, why had it taken her this long, when had her life truly started falling apart, when had she stopped living and only existing?  

Her busy day had truly left her exhausted beyond what she was even used to experiencing. This past week she had been waking even before the alarm went off, having set the alarm rather earlier than normal for those days, knowing she had a very busy day in her office, she had a ton of work to get done, so she had been setting the alarm to go off between seven and seven thirty every morning, but something was causing her to be awake even before that every day, even if she had a late night the evening before. 

She was thinking of her hectically busy life, and how she was yearning for more time for spiritual activities and family life; time in the preaching work, witnessing, and time with her husband and children.  She was trying to figure out how to slow down a little bit and take more time for those very important aspects of her life, this past year she had made some good changes, towards regaining herself and her happiness back into her life, making a difference in others' lives, and trying to reconnect to her husband and family.

To look at her, one sees what looks like a normal healthy and happy woman, that is because she has tried so hard for so long to hide the truth and her limitations from all except her immediate family, she was even hiding the whole truth from her children... She had done a good job, hiding the truth from the world for so long, that she didn't know exactly how to start telling the truth, she had thought for a long time to write a story, start a blog, or something, maybe what she has found to cope with and relearn to live with would help somebody else.... who knows. 

So here goes, Welcome to Dorraine's world she thought, ... how is anyone going to ever really know what it is like to live with invisible diseases unless somebody truly stood up and spoke out?  So here I go...

I am going to let you all have a good look see what it is truly like in my world... and learn what it is like when you have to Learn to Live all over again... after such a devastatingly horrific ordeal in one's life before ever turning 41.


  1. This is so like you, wanting to help others! I know your experiences will, indeed, help many. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I am following it with anticipation and feel privileged to be allowed to look into such a tender story.

    1. Thank you.... Marcia, I am not for sure how much help I am to others, but this is a nice start, I know that Jehovah will help me to touch and reach as many people as I can....via this and my facebook.....<3

  2. Dorraine that is a wonderful insight to your thoughts, and wonderful to read. Thanks for this. We love you much.

    1. I hoped it would make my adopted and spiritual father proud of me...and my writing abilities.... just getting started, who knows where this will end.... I have a whole lot of tales in me, to spin, and allow people to get a good look at how my life has developed in the way that it has...<3
