Tuesday, September 16, 2014

14 Years and counting...

September 14, 2000 to September 14, 2014

I want to acknowledge that my hubby treated me to a child free day of pampering me, although I ended up running a little later than I had thought and he was expecting, which made us a little late for joining family and friends for dinner Saturday evening, I went to get an extremely overdue pedicure and manicure, and I got my eyebrows shaped as well, and then they put me some gelcaps over my nails to help me to protect my natural nails.... I am so grateful that I am finally able to grow them again as I used to, after many years of not being able to, they look so natural and pretty again this week....<3 I will take a photo and put it up.

I had already had the follow up massage for my therapy session scheduled, so I got that done as well immediately after my pedicure and manicure was done...

90 minute deep tissue massage with aromatherapy and hot stones.... what a wonderful deal.  While she was working on my TMJ I asked her about a new machine she had in her office... she told me that she thought I may benefit from it.  It is called Bipolar RF Ultrasonic Liposuction Cavitation Vacuum Slimming Machine.  Wow what a long name for a non-invasive liposuction and body sculpting machine....<3

She told me that she could do about 30 minute treatment on me, but I probably wouldn't see much results for at least two or three more treatments...down the road.... she was surprised she could feel and see some results within about half of the treatment process, she said she has never seen anyone firm up like mine did in the first treatment....

I am so excited to say that my tummy is much firmer, a pair of pants I was wearing just last Thursday which was very skin tight on me...is now saggy in the stomach, buttocks and thigh areas.... wow, I can barely believe it.  I have been drinking much more water and eating regularly, so I think this is a new supplement I am going to invest in for my regaining me and my physical health back.  I weighted and yesterday I was down by six pounds, today another 4, I measured my body today to get a starting point for my new therapy treatments.... and I will weight and measure every week prior to the treatment on Monday evenings and then again on mid week mornings, which will be Wednesday mornings....and we are on our way down my new journey to Diet Free Life, which I trust to help me this time get to my goal weight and size, I did good the last time I did the Diet Free Life 21 day metabolism makeover, so this time along, I am adding this additional motivation and encouraging therapy along to help me shape up and slim down and melt the fat away as I retrain my metabolism to work for me again....<3.  I will now start keeping track and letting you all know how my journey goes.

I feel like I lost at least 3-6 inches around my waist and hips on Saturday alone, we will see how my weekly sessions will pan out for me, I am so appreciative for my sweet spiritual sister and dear friend, Norma for helping me with this journey I am undertaking to gain myself back: once and for all.

This weekend, was a nice beautiful way to close our 14th year of marriage and embark on our 15th, I am praying my husband will truly see the wife he married, before too long, and as I regain my shape, size and health from even before I met him, he will truly enjoy being with a wife that he can be proud of in every aspect of the word.

We went out to friends house for dinner on Saturday, then on Sunday we had dinner and cake with his sister, her family and his mom.... Everyone noticed I looked different, I actually have started doing my hair and makeup again, and people noticed.  They all complimented me on my looks.  It felt so good after so long of feeling like my diseases got the better of me... now I am fighting back tooth and nail to regain the me I lost, and the me that my husband has never had the chance to truly see....

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband, Marco Antonio Lugo, II

Monday, September 8, 2014

September, a month to always remember....

September 14, 2000 to September 14, 2014

Marco and I married fourteen years ago this month, after a year long courtship... we met in June 1999, shortly after my Christopher lost his eyesight, and we went through so much that first year of dating, my husband have been through a roller coaster of trials and tribulations during these few years of marriage...

This past weekend, my three treasures in life, took me to the beach, I wasn't feeling very well, but I tagged along, so as not to ruin their day....<3 ... needless to say we will be doing this much more often than before, they all deserve it, how you may ask did we find a break in the storms rolling in off the Gulf, to find time to enjoy the beach, ... it was a precious gift from Jehovah I tell you all.

Life is too precious to not live it, so I am definitely trying to learn to live it again.

I am fortunate to have had the pleasure of being mother to four loving children, who all are very unique and all are my treasures, I am so blessed by them.

Today, I am proud to say that I am going to request that my family and friends, please keep me in their prayers, Jehovah has been good to me this past few months, I am on a new vitamin B shot supplement, and I am feeling somewhat better, but I think I overdid myself with the spring cleaning, and now I am paying hard for it... <3

I am going to keep this one short, but sweet, I hope everyone has a good month....

much love,